Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween...

Goldilocks and the 3 Bears
The moore babies...
Gavin, Alyson, Trevin, and Brogun

Brogun Bear
Punk Rocker Sienna

With Great-Grandma Knaphus

Gavin and Brogun with Great Grandma Allen
We had a great and super fun Halloween this year. Grandma Cindy came up with the idea that we should do Goldilocks and the 3 bears with the babies this year. And it turned out so cute. My sister-in-law Malory made all the babies the super cute hats. And we had a blast getting them together for there first Halloween picture.
Sienna could not decide what she wanted to be for Halloween. On Friday night she had a party to go to so she was a hippie and wore a black poofy wig (mom failed to get a pic). Well she didn't like the itchy wig so the next night she opted for crimping her hair and frizzing it out like a punk rocker. She started laughing at her hair when it was done and I laughed at the fact that I worked hard to get my hair to poof like that in High School. Ha Ha! And did I mention the crimper she used was mine from High School. Derrick was amazed that something so old still worked! Brat!
We took the kids around to the Grandparents and then turned Sienna loose with some of her friends to go trick-or-treating. And Derrick and I took Brogun to the town Carnival.
And as always we headed to bed on a candy sugar high from all the treats.

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