Little Miss. Jo Jo...
Cutie Pie Trevin...
Dirty but happy!!
Trevor and Angelia...
Cheezer Gavin...
Dirty Monkey..
The 3 wild Boys....Gavin, Trevin, and Brogun..
The boys' decided to start the summer off with a camping trip to "Hunters Flat" on Cove Mountain. And for any of you that have been on Cove you know that the mountain is quite steep, especially for pulling a heavy camp trailor. Well, we decided to go for it anyhow.
The ride up was slow and what we thought was not to terribly bad, until we got stopped at the camp site. Then realized that our truck was terribly over heated and had transmission fluid boiling out from under the truck. We thought, GREAT we have blown the truck up, but lucky we had cell service to call a friend in the valley to pick his brain. He explained that he would send fluid up the hill for us and as long as our levels were okay, then we could come home and have it serviced. Wow, for some stress!
Then the weather decided to change on us and turn terribly cold and rain the rest of the trip.
We all still had fun, but it made it a little hard to hang out much around the camp fire.
The night before we came home Tyler and Tiffanys family, Kevin, Cindy, Marcea, Trevor and Angelia all came up for Dutch oven dinner. It was delicious! We all huddled under the make shift cover to keep dry. It continued to rain all night. So the next morning we all decided it best to leave the trailors and come back after a few day when the roads dried up a bit. Good call too, cause the roads were super mud slick on the way home. It was quite the camp trip. Good thing the family makes it all fun.
While we were hanging in the cold Sienna was sitting on the beaches of Florida with her Grandpa and Grandma Flanagan. This was definately a camp trip that she was not sad about missing:)
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